Page 1216 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 9 April 2008

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As one of many strategies to promote health and wellbeing, the ACT government funds Seniors Week. This year it is being celebrated from 6 to 13 April, to coincide with New South Wales Seniors Week. In July last year the ACT government produced the ACT government’s policy framework for ageing 2007-09 entitled “A society for all ages”.

Our vision is that the population has opportunities for healthy and fulfilling third and fourth ages. The fourth age includes the oldest old, those requiring significant personal support. Also, people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds are valued for their contribution, respected, included, encouraged to reach their full potential and share in the benefits of our community and have access to a range of productive occupations and interests; and, lastly, the community can benefit from the skills, experience and wisdom that comes with age.

Seniors Week has been celebrated in the ACT for approximately 20 years and is organised by the Council on the Ageing ACT, or COTA ACT, with funding from the ACT government. The current service funding agreement with COTA ACT was signed in January this year and is for $40,000 per annum, GST exclusive, for three years.

The week aims to promote positive attitudes within the general community towards older people and to increase the community inclusion and participation of older people, including increased intergenerational activities. This year’s Seniors Week theme is “growing older is all about living”.

The program of events was publicly distributed in the first edition of the Canberra Times new monthly start-living Sunday supplement for readers who are over 50 years old. This year’s program includes the Chief Minister’s concert today, a series of myth-buster events which include visits to local Jewish, Buddhist and Hindu centres and the great debate at Old Parliament House on Friday, 11 April. Participating organisations include seniors clubs, the YMCA, Pedal Power ACT, Carers ACT and ACT Health. With visits to the Lower Molonglo Water Quality Control Centre, folk dancing, singing, yoga, martial arts, retirement planning and seminars on spirituality, Seniors Week 2008 has something for everybody.

Can I remind the Assembly that this year saw the 10th annual Chief Minister’s seniors breakfast last Monday. The guest speaker was Emeritus Professor Jennifer James AM who spoke on this year’s theme, “growing older is all about living”. This event was well attended by seniors and invited community leaders. One of Professor James’s points was that retirement should be a time of opportunity, the icing on the cake of life, as it were.

Seniors Day will be celebrated this year on Thursday, 10 April by a mini expo at the Old Bus Depot Markets. This event, to be opened by Minister Hargreaves, will bring together government, business and community organisations providing information to the public, with a particular focus on health, active lifestyle and retirement planning.

Over the last few years I have been to a lot of retirement parties for people that I used to work with from the old Protective Service. I have been quite inspired—I think it is

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