Page 461 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 4 March 2008

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members here in the Assembly putting the amendments because they truly believe them and they have done the work—and convince us, not just reiterate Telstra’s concerns. Until then, I am not able to consider these. I also note that there are 17 people in this Assembly; there are two parties and two crossbenchers. It is really important that corporations and other lobbies get used to the fact that they might have to speak to more than two parties after the next election.

Clause 26 agreed to.

Remainder of the bill, by leave, taken as a whole.

At approximately 6.00 pm, in accordance with standing order 34, the debate was interrupted and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting. The motion for the adjournment of the Assembly was put.



MRS DUNNE (Ginninderra) (6.00): This afternoon, in an attempt to suspend standing orders, I was in the middle of giving an exposition on the documents that have now been released by the department of education and the Minister for Education and Training as a result of decisions made by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. I tabled those documents this afternoon.

The first of those documents is folio 02798, which the minister released in an undated letter to me which I received in my office on Friday, though I notice from his tabled statements of reasons that he released it on 4 February. This document is an email from the ministerial and communication section of the department of education reminding people that there was a deadline for coordination comments for the education amendment bill and the submission on Towards 2020. There was also a follow-up email from the cabinet liaison officer in the Department of Justice and Community Safety to say that their department had no comments to make on this. This was a document over which there was a conclusive certificate—the highest level of secrecy that you can obtain under the Freedom of Information Act. This is an email that basically says, “Chaps, remember to put in your coordination comments on this cabinet submission.”

Two other documents were released to me by the department of education as a result of the decision made by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. I tabled those earlier today. One is folio 01471. It is a handwritten note that reads, and the words are underlined:

Meetings Thursday night

Yarralumla, Melrose, Isabella Plains

Under “Melrose” there is an arrow from the words “4 proposals to put up”. I think that is what it says. Then it says:

Phone calls at 12.30 pm Thurs …

DET feedback emails …

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