Page 74 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 12 February 2008
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That the Assembly takes note of the paper.
Question resolved in the affirmative.
Territory plan—variation No 287
Papers and statement by minister
MR BARR (Molonglo—Minister for Education and Training, Minister for Planning, Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation, Minister for Industrial Relations): For the information of members, I present the following papers:
Land (Planning and Environment) Act, pursuant to subsection 29 (1)—Approval of Variation No 287 to the Territory Plan—Blocks 1 and 2 Section 23 Ngunnawal—Gold Creek Homestead, dated 23 January 2008, together with background papers, a copy of the summaries and reports, and a copy of any direction or report required.
Planning and Environment—Standing Committee—Report 31—Variation to the Territory Plan No 287—Blocks 1 and 2 Section 23 Ngunnawal Gold Creek Homestead—Government response.
I ask leave to make a statement in relation to the papers.
Leave granted.
MR BARR: The draft variation No 287 to the territory plan proposes to change the land use policy of the Gold Creek Homestead site in Ngunnawal from entertainment, accommodation and leisure to community facility to permit aged care accommodation and community use. Draft variation No 287 was released for public comment in May of 2007 and attracted no public submissions. Although no issues were raised in consultation with government agencies either, a report on consultation was still required to be prepared by the ACT Planning and Land Authority in accordance with section 24 of the Land Act.
The Standing Committee on Planning and Environment has considered the consultation report and the recommended final variation. In its report released in November of 2007, the committee made seven recommendations in relation to the draft variation, among which was a recommendation that the variation proceed. The government has considered the issues raised, and the government response that provides a detailed response to the committee’s recommendations has been prepared.
I will just provide a brief outline of the government’s response to the committee report. The committee’s first recommendation is that the proposed variation to the territory plan proceed. The committee’s second recommendation is that, if the site is developed as a retirement complex or aged care facility, the ACT Planning and Land Authority consider when developing lease and development conditions the government response to and the committee’s recommendations in report No 13 on draft variation to the territory plan No 229, supportive housing and adaptable housing provisions and other minor amendments regarding service provision to community
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