Page 3860 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 4 December 2007

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Policing and to have a coherent property crime reduction strategy that does not just focus on tougher penalties but on preventing the crime from occurring in the first place. We will build on this record with the 5,000 engine immobilisers funded through our subsidy scheme over the next 12 months to reduce the level of car theft further. Car theft has reduced by six per cent in the last 12 months, and we expect that to fall further. We will continue to build on these results with the community policing initiative we are putting in place for high-density housing complexes. We will build on these results further with the motorcycle anchor points to reduce motorcycle theft in our community as well.

Crime clear-up rates also continue to improve, including a 34 per cent increase in the clear-up rate for burglary, a 28 per cent increase in the clear-up rate for offences against property, and a 35 per cent increase in clear-up rates for property damage. Only ACT Labor and the Stanhope Labor government can say that we are serious about reducing crime in the community. There is no other party in this place that can do so, because we have the results on the board. We have improved funding for the police, crime rates are down, and we have a proactive property crime reduction strategy designed to make sure that our community becomes a fairer and safer place for all Canberrans.

Mr Stanhope: I ask that all further questions be placed on the notice paper.

Supplementary answers to question without notice

Hospitals—access block

MS GALLAGHER: Mr Speaker, I have a couple of matters arising from question time. There was a question about access block, and the questioner indicated that the data quoted was preliminary data obtained as a result of an FOI application. A page is provided in response to FOI every month. That page states that there may be some minor changes to some numbers as a result of updates to data over the year. It is on the front page of FOI material that is provided every month.

Mrs Burke: It is elective surgery. You know that.

MS GALLAGHER: It does not relate to elective surgery. In relation to the emergency management unit, my early advice on this is that it is a ward like any other ward. It is for short-stay patients. Every hospital in the country stops the access block clock at the point that someone is transferred to the emergency management unit. If I need to provide anything further on that, I will. That is the advice I received during question time.


MR BARR: During the November sittings Mr Stefaniak asked me a question about an approach to the government in relation to the dragway by the owners of the Wakefield Park lease near Goulburn. I indicated in my answer that the government had been approached by the owners of the lease. I have since been advised that the lease changed hands earlier this year. To clarify the record, we have been approached by the former owners of Wakefield Park who own the lease adjacent to Wakefield Park.

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