Page 3037 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 17 October 2007

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Mrs Burke: Table the evidence.

MR STANHOPE: $54 million for 100 beds immediately.

Mrs Burke: No, you have just blown your health budget.

MR STANHOPE: $54 million; a reduction in revenue of $16.5 million, and the not yet quite abrogated promise in relation to the fire levy.

Mrs Burke: You should read your budget papers.

MR STANHOPE: It needs to be understood in the context of discussions of these issues that the 2007-08 budget forecast operating balance for the next financial year—and this is the point—is $52 million. It is only $64 million for 2009-10, and it only goes to $100 million in 2010-11.

Mr Mulcahy: You’ve never got it right yet.

MR STANHOPE: The shadow Treasurer interjects, “Well, you’ve never got it right yet”. So, here we have it; a $90 million hit by the shadow Treasurer in one week, and his response to the budget forecast is, “Well, you’ve never got it right yet. We’ll promise $90 million on a wing and a prayer”.

Mrs Burke: You haven’t.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Chief Minister, resume your seat. Mrs Burke, I have called you to order three times.

Mr Stefaniak: That was me, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: No, I have been watching. I have called you to order three times. I have drawn your attention to the standing orders. What am I to do to get you—

Mrs Burke: I was just talking loudly, Mr Speaker, and I apologise.

MR SPEAKER: No, you were not. You were interjecting; so I am going to name you. You leave me no—you just leave me nowhere else to go.

Motion (by Mr Corbell) put:

That Mrs Burke be suspended from the service of the Assembly.

The Assembly voted—

Ayes 9

Noes 6

Mr Barr

Mr Hargreaves

Mrs Burke

Mr Stefaniak

Mr Berry

Ms MacDonald

Mrs Dunne

Mr Corbell

Ms Porter

Mr Mulcahy

Dr Foskey

Mr Stanhope

Mr Pratt

Mr Gentleman

Mr Seselja

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