Page 3016 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 17 October 2007

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Mr Corbell: Just another layer of bureaucracy—more public servants, more bureaucracy.

MRS BURKE: You are afraid of this, Katy Gallagher is afraid of this and Jon Stanhope is afraid of this.

Mr Corbell: Where are your extra beds? How many extra beds have you pledged to put into the hospital?

MRS BURKE: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker.

Mr Corbell: How many extra beds have you pledged to put into the hospital?

MR SPEAKER: Order! Maintain order, please.

MRS BURKE: Thank you. Mr Moore continues:

People of great talent and wide-ranging experience—

Mr Corbell: How many beds are you going to commit to the hospital?


Mr Corbell: No more beds from the Liberals. Zero.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mrs Burke, resume your seat.

MRS BURKE: Thank you, Mr Speaker. They are very touchy at the moment.

MR SPEAKER: Members of the government will maintain order.

MRS BURKE: Mr Moore’s article continues:

People of great talent and wide-ranging experience made a considerable contribution in a range of ways. These included health specialists as well as Peter McPhillips, then managing partner of Deloittes, who was chairman—

Are you going to laugh at him? That is interesting. Mr Moore continues:

former Tax Commissioner Trevor Boucher and one time nurses’ union leader Pru Power.

Let us laugh at them:

Bureaucracy multiplied—

Mr Corbell: Yes, and what did Pru Power say about hospital beds? Did you read her article?

MRS BURKE: Well, she is on your side. She is bound to vote for you, isn’t she?

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