Page 2850 - Week 09 - Thursday, 27 September 2007
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Allowing watering of gardens from 7am to 10am and 7pm to 10pm is designed to reduce water loss through evaporation while permitting a level of flexibility to ACT residents and through education this pattern should become a common sense approach to outside watering.
Water—audit program
(Question No 1644)
Dr Foskey asked the Minister for the Environment, Water and Climate Change, upon notice, on 22 August 2007:
(1) How successful has the Think Water Act Water audit program been;
(2) What is the future of the Think Water Act Water audit program.
Mr Stanhope: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:
(1) To date the programs implemented under Think Water, Act Water will see the targets set for reductions in water consumption of 12 per cent by 2013 and 25 per cent by 2023 achieved if not bettered by 2013 and 2023. The Think Water, Act Water audit programs have contributed to this achievement with:
• over 7,300 ACT residents having taken up the residential programs WaterSmart Homes and GardenSmart;
• 75 commercial audits undertaken to date. Funding to assist the commercial sector implement the recommendations of the audits is included in the 2007/08 appropriation for the Think Water Act Water program;
• water audits being completed on the five ACT Police regional stations this month;
• 40 water audits undertaken as part of the ACT Government supported ACT Sustainable Schools initiative during 2006/07 and 2007/08.
A summary of the Think Water Act Water 2007/08 water efficiency programs delivered by the Sustainability Policy and Programs Section, including the audit programs, is attached for your information.
(2) During 2007/08 the ACT Government will continue to deliver the Think Water, Act Water water tune-up audit services to ACT residents, businesses and schools. Programs provided via the Think Water, Act Water tune-up include:
• commercial/government building audit retrofits;
• sustainability schools indoor and outdoor audits;
• implementation of the findings of the sustainability schools indoor and outdoor audits; and
• residential outdoor audits through the GardenSmart program.
The success of the ACT Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme (GGAS) has seen the need for the WaterSmart Homes program significantly lessened. The business sector has responded to the GGAS with products and services that contribute to providing
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