Page 2788 - Week 09 - Thursday, 27 September 2007

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Mr Mulcahy: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: the relevance of this is getting so far from the question it is unbelievable.

MR HARGREAVES: All right. I will come back to it. Actually, I will not, Mr Speaker. I ran out of time, and I ran out of luck.

Mr Stanhope: I ask that all further questions be placed on the notice paper.

Supplementary answers to questions without notice

Theo Notaras Multicultural Centre

Greenhouse gas abatement scheme

Yarramundi Reach—ATSI cultural centre

DR FOSKEY: Mr Speaker, in accordance with Standing Order 118 (A), I ask for an explanation as to why the following questions, which were taken on notice at question time more than 30 days ago, have not been answered. I seek an explanation. The first of these is a question asked of the Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Mr Hargreaves, on 21 August regarding the Theo Notaras centre. An answer was promised. It has not arrived.

Mr Hargreaves: Is that it, because I will answer your question?

DR FOSKEY: Minister, you said:

I do not have the details of that process about my person. I am only too pleased to seek that information from the department and bring it back to the chamber as soon as I have it.

The second question that has not yet been answered was a question to the minister for climate change on the greenhouse gas abatement scheme. Mr Stanhope said:

I thank Dr Foskey for the question. In the context of the technical detail, Dr Foskey, I will have to take the question on notice.

MR HARGREAVES: It was my understanding that I returned to the chamber and actually answered that, but I could be mistaken. Dr Foskey—through you, Mr Speaker—I will ascertain whether I have or have not. If I have not, given that this is the last sitting for a couple of weeks, I will get you an answer and then, with the permission of members, I will send a copy of that answer around to all the other members as well.

MR STANHOPE: Mr Speaker, I will seek an explanation for why that particular question has not been responded to, if it has not. I take the opportunity now to table the answer to a question which I took on notice from Dr Foskey yesterday:

Yarramundi Reach cultural centre—Answer to question without notice asked of Mr Stanhope by Dr Foskey and taken on notice on 26 September 2007.

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