Page 2463 - Week 08 - Thursday, 30 August 2007

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Mr Pratt: I was about to, actually. I was about to table them.


MR HARGREAVES: Not good enough, thank you.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! Minister, take your seat for a moment.

MR HARGREAVES: Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, I need—

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! Take your seat for a moment.

MR HARGREAVES: I am running out of time for this rabble.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Pratt, I have spoken to you three times now. Next time I will warn you.

MR HARGREAVES: Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, I need to correct the record regarding this claim by Mr Pratt on 15 February this year when he said that he had provided this information—that is, the detail in Dr Nelson’s letter to the ACT government. He did not. I sought a copy from his office last week and, to their credit, they gave it to me. But this was the first time I or my officers had seen the letter from Dr Nelson. Mr Pratt should correct this misleading of the community by apologising for spreading a falsehood.

While the Stanhope Labor government will never lose sight of the main game—by that I mean the object of building sound economic foundations—what must be remembered in this budget are those in our community who are disadvantaged, and we are doing a lot of work around that. These folk ought to find out whether that letter constitutes an offer, because the dissenting report actually calls it an offer. I am going to take some advice on this and if there has been a misleading of the Assembly I am going to do something about it. And I will do something about Mr Pratt as well. We will see; I do not know whether he is breaking the rules or just being stupid but it is a conspiracy—

Mr Smyth: No, you are the one being stupid.

MR HARGREAVES: I am going to go with stupid.

Mr Smyth: Stupid is as stupid does.


MR HARGREAVES: In the budget you will find money for the liberty swing at Black Mountain Peninsula—a swing for disabled kids who would not otherwise experience the simple delights of a playground swing. There is $210,000 allocated for that. In addition, $50,000 has been allocated to design and construct a jetty and associated facilities for use by Sailability—again, some assistance for the disabled

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