Page 2460 - Week 08 - Thursday, 30 August 2007
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Mr Pratt: You are still 10 behind on replacements.
MR HARGREAVES: We should add up and see how much money you are going to chuck into this, because I have a feeling you are going to be knocking on John Howard’s door to get into his war chest.
Another issue that goes to the heart of our infrastructure challenges is the number of ageing stormwater systems, particularly in north and south Fyshwick. The existing infrastructure within this city was constructed in early 1970. The government supports the infrastructure needs of the business community because at the moment it can only accommodate minor storm events. We have to do something about it. We have allocated $3.8 million in the budget to remedy this difficult challenge.
I turn to Tharwa—something that is dear to Mr Pratt’s heart. Special mention needs to be made of rural ACT. It should be remembered that we have estimated the cost of the bridge to be $9.5 million, to be completed at the end of 2008. At this point it is important to note that, in the dissenting report—and I ask people to listen very carefully to this—
Members interjecting—
MR HARGREAVES: I am quite serious about this, and I would not laugh too much if I were you. At this point it is important to note that, in the dissenting report of the estimates committee, Mr Stefaniak and Mrs Burke alleged—and I quote from that report:
… there has been Commonwealth assistance on offer to erect a … low level crossing … This offer of assistance has not been taken up by the Stanhope Government.
Mr Pratt: Well, we know that.
MR HARGREAVES: I would like Mr Pratt to confirm—he can do it by interjection—that he knows the commonwealth made an offer of assistance.
MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: No, we will not have interjections, thanks, minister.
MR HARGREAVES: No, we will not. If he has any sense, he will not. There is no substantiation in the report of such a claim, nor is there any discussion in the main report of the issue of a low-level crossing at Tharwa. There is nothing in it.
Mr Pratt: This is the report—
MR HARGREAVES: Hang on to your hat. One can only assume that any evidence shown to Mr Stefaniak and Mrs Burke was not shared with the rest of the committee. Why do you think that is, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker? It is because the supportive evidence does not actually exist. The assertion from Mr Stefaniak and Mrs Burke actually misleads the community in this regard, and I am considering seeking further
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