Page 2090 - Week 07 - Thursday, 23 August 2007

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repealed Act) and section 457 (Plans of management), expires 2 years after commencement day.


Clause 423 (1)

Page 313, line 4—


territory plan


proposed to be made for section 45 (Territory plan)


Proposed new clause 424 (1) (e)

Page 314, line 6—


(e) after commencement of this section—

(i) publishes the proposed territory plan; and

(ii) gives public notice that written comments may be made on the proposed territory plan within the period of not less than 15 working days or, if another period is prescribed by regulation, the period prescribed; and

(iii) considers any comments provided in accordance with the notice.


Proposed new clauses 428A and 428B

Page 319, line 7—


428ATransitional—draft plan variation submitted to Minister under repealed Act

(1) This section applies if, before commencement day—

(a) the actions mentioned in section 428 (1) (a) to (d) apply in relation to a plan variation under the repealed Act, section 15 (Preparation of plan variations); and

(b) the planning and land authority consults with, and considers any advice given by, the environment protection authority; and

(c) the authority prepares a notice (the consultation notice) under the repealed Act, section 19 (Public consultation—notification) in relation to the draft plan variation; and

(d) the consultation notice complies with the repealed Act, section 19A (Public consultation—notice of interim effect etc); and

(e) the authority complies with the repealed Act, section 19B (Public consultation—availability of draft plan variation etc) and section 21 (Public inspection of comments) in relation to the draft plan variation; and

(f) either—

(i) the draft plan variation is revised under the repealed Act, section 22 (Revision, deferral or withdrawal of draft plan variations); or

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