Page 2072 - Week 07 - Thursday, 23 August 2007

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(d) the proposal is taken not to be a prohibited development; and

(e) the impact track applies to the proposal.

(3) In this section:

authorised use, of land, or a building or structure on the land, means—

(f) a use authorised by—

(i) a lease; or

(ii) section 240; or

(iii) a provision of chapter 15 (Transitional); and

(g) includes a use authorised by a lease that expired not more than 6 months before the use if the lease is renewed within 6 months after the expiry.


Clause 135 (1)

Page 97, line 5—

omit clause 135 (1), substitute

(1) The planning and land authority must consider a development proposal if asked by the proponent of the proposal.

(1A) However, the planning and land authority need not consider the development proposal if satisfied that the information provided by the proponent in relation to the proposal would not allow the authority to provide adequate advice in relation to the matters mentioned in subsection (2).

(1B) The planning and land authority must tell the proponent if, because the authority is satisfied under subsection (1A), the authority does not consider the development proposal.


Clause 136 (2) (c)

Page 99, line 10—


relevant code requirements


relevant rules


Clause 136 (2) (d)

Page 99, line 13—

omit clause 136 (2) (d), substitute

(d) if the application is for approval of a development in the merit track—be accompanied by information or documents addressing the relevant rules and relevant criteria; and

(da) if the application is for approval of a development in the merit track and the territory plan requires an assessment (an assessment of environmental effects) of the possible environmental effects of the development in detail that is sufficient taking into consideration the size and significance of the impact of the development on the environment—be accompanied by an assessment of environmental effects; and

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