Page 1744 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 21 August 2007

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All recommendations relating to the design stage will be addressed through a design response at the development stage. A detailed government response has been prepared to all the recommendations made by the committee. I am very pleased to table variation No 263 to the territory plan.

Territory plan—variation No 276

Papers and statement by minister

MR BARR (Molonglo—Minister for Education and Training, Minister for Planning, Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation, Minister for Industrial Relations) (4.07): For the information of members, I present the following papers:

Land (Planning and Environment) Act, pursuant to subsection 29 (1)—Approval of Variation No 276 to the Territory Plan—ANU City West Precinct—“The ANU Exchange”, dated 27 July 2007, together with background papers, a copy of the summaries and reports, and a copy of any direction or report required.

Planning and Environment—Standing Committee—Report 28—Variation to the Territory Plan No 276—ANU City West Precinct “The ANU Exchange”—Government response.

I ask leave to make a statement in relation to the papers.

Leave granted.

MR BARR: Draft variation No 276 to the territory plan proposes to formalise the implementation of the precinct deed agreed to between the ACT government and the Australian National University and the subsequent ANU Exchange master plan. Some changes to the land use policies contained within the territory plan are needed to implement the master plan; hence the requirement for a variation.

The ANU Exchange master plan was endorsed by the Chief Planning Executive of the ACT Planning and Land Authority and the Chief Executive of the Chief Minister’s Department in December 2005. The major changes the variation proposes include: replacing the entertainment accommodation and leisure land use policy with commercial for block 2 section 30 City; realigning the intertown public transport route from the corner of Barry Drive and Marcus Clarke Street to link to Rudd Street through Section 21 City and amending building height controls on blocks west of Marcus Clarke Street and north of University Avenue and section 20 City to allow for increased building heights.

Draft variation 276 was released for public comment in November 2006 and attracted three public submissions. The main issues were: the context of the proposal within the national capital plan provisions and consistency with the plan’s principle on the hierarchy of centres; the realignment of the intertown public transport route and indicative built form; car parking requirements, standards and strategy for adequate car parking provision; heritage issues relating to section 21 and section 20 and, finally, urban design and architectural issues relating to the buildings fronting Marcus Clarke Street and Barry Drive.

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