Page 1493 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 6 June 2007

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UC representatives were also able to farewell the last of a cohort of around 30 students coming to Canberra to complete a bachelor of business administration degree.

At Tsinghua University, discussions centred on jointly offered professional development courses through the UC’s professional development unit. The university also had a meeting with the Beijing public security bureau regarding 20 students attending the full-time master of management program in Canberra. These graduates are needed for the Beijing Olympics, and since returning to Canberra, this lead, which is worth around half a million dollars, has been formalised.

Another mission participant, John Walker Crime Trends Analysis, reported that its expertise in analysis of criminal justice systems was well recognised in meetings in China. The company has also developed a world-first methodology for identifying the extent and impact of transnational crime and money laundering. The company’s meetings in Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen generated considerable support from the law schools in each city’s universities and developed strong prospects for future collaboration. John Walker Crime Trends Analysis also had meetings with the public prosecutor’s office and the public security university in Beijing, and the Shanghai district bureau of justice. These meetings focused on strategic planning in the criminal justice system, and again Mr Walker says he received an enthusiastic response.

ACT company Wellspring Kiku designs and supplies distinctive and stylish artworks and features for interior and exterior use. Over the past 10 years the company has completed a diverse range of projects for a diverse range of clients, including governments, health and educational institutions and commercial developers. Wellspring’s objectives in China were to establish contacts in the planning, architectural, landscape design and construction sectors. The company followed through specific leads such as assisting the Shanghai urban planning bureau in its five-year project to develop its public art strategy for the Hong Kou district. The company also had discussions with the bureau to supply major public artworks in urban parks.

As a result of the mission, Wellspring is now looking at a project to provide landscape architecture services and interior artworks for a chain of high-end serviced apartments being developed over the next three years across China. Wellspring also reported a strong interest in its services by other private design firms and government. Potential projects include the headquarters for a major international software organisation, urban renewal and streetscape works and major shopping centres. The company is confident it will be invited to participate in a range of projects over the next 18 months.

For Perpetual Water Ltd the mission provided a number of leads to explore offshore manufacturing, direct supply opportunities and an opportunity to learn about China’s market dynamics. Over the next 12 months Perpetual Water will be focused on developing networks in China, mostly through contacts established via the mission. They are looking to develop distribution partners and are following up on leads to establish a manufacturing base in China. They will set up a process to negotiate with Chinese government agencies and establish test and demonstration sites in several key locations. China is a complex but potentially large market for Perpetual Water and

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