Page 1416 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 5 June 2007

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While the prolonged drought has prevented us from delivering on the proposal we announced last year of rehabilitating and restoring a large number of drought-affected ovals, creative approaches are possible.

Today I announce $3.8 million for the establishment of the Harrison district playing fields—fields that will incorporate a host of water-saving devices and technologies and that will be a model for future facilities and rehabilitation work on existing facilities.

Today I also announce $1.6 million over four years for the Stromlo Forest park to assist in promotion, development and operation of the facility as a local, national and international recreation and sporting venue.

The ACT’s profile as a sporting city and as a destination for world-calibre events will be enhanced, with $1.1 million earmarked for initiatives including an iconic Rob de Castella invitational cross-country event, Olympic athlete support for Beijing and the 2009 world mountain bike championships.

Mr Speaker, a city without a robust artistic and cultural life is a cold and sterile place. The arts help a community know and define itself. They enrich life.

I recently announced the percent-for-art scheme, that will ensure that a proportion of each year’s capital budget is devoted to public art, where Canberrans work, live and play. That scheme starts in earnest from today.

The 2007-08 budget involves a significant boost to other areas of the arts. In particular, I am delighted to announce $9 million for the Belconnen Arts and Cultural Centre, on the shores of Lake Ginninderra. In all, this budget provides an additional $1.3 million in recurrent and around $11.6 million in new capital funding for initiatives such as the Belconnen Arts and Cultural Centre and public art activities.

A health system which delivers

Mr Speaker, Canberrans expect nothing but the best from their health system. And that is what, under Labor, they get.

The government’s record on health services is exceptional. Since coming to government we have increased expenditure on health by 70 per cent, to over $760 million.

Our community health services are better able than ever before to help Canberrans get well, stay well and live well.

And the capacity of our world-class public hospitals to meet the needs of Canberrans and our neighbours from nearby New South Wales has been dramatically boosted.

Today, there are more hospital beds, more elective surgery, more medical and nursing staff and greater operating theatre capacity than when we came to government. And Canberrans are feeling the benefits.

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