Page 4591 - Week 14 - Thursday, 24 November 2005
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Mr Mulcahy: It says here, “Mr Mulcahy in continuation.” I had not completed it in the allocated time.
MR SPEAKER: You did not rise to the call, Mr Mulcahy.
Mr Seselja: That is because it was ridiculously brought forward without any notice. How was he meant to know it was coming on?
Mr Seselja: It has turned into a farce, Mr Speaker.
Mrs Burke: It is a farce.
Mr Seselja: Mr Gentleman’s office lied to Dr Foskey’s office.
MR GENTLEMAN (Brindabella) (11.51): Mr Speaker, I am pleased to be able to discuss this draft variation to the territory plan again. We, as a committee, have worked long and hard to produce this report. Draft variation 231 had a high number of submissions. All of those were reviewed carefully when received over the last six months. Each member of the committee receives a copy of the draft variation after the minister refers it to us. This occurred in June. The committee secretariat personally delivers a copy of each and every submission to the specified draft report to each member of the committee for his or her records. The point to this process that I raise here today is that Mr Seselja believes he has had insufficient time to review this variation to the territory plan. This is not the first time that Mr Seselja has stood in this chamber and made assertions about the amount of time allocated to consider draft variations. Mr Seselja has, on numerous occasions, in the chamber and in the media, complained about the committee process.
It being 45 minutes after the commencement of Assembly business, the debate was interrupted in accordance with standing order 77. Ordered that the time allotted to Assembly business be extended by 30 minutes.
MR SPEAKER: I call Mr Gentleman to continue his speech.
Mrs Burke: I am sorry, Mr Speaker. I was on my feet first.
MR SPEAKER: Mr Gentleman has the call.
Mr Seselja: She is moving a motion.
MRS BURKE (Molonglo) (11.52): I wish to move a motion, Mr Speaker. I move:
That the question be now put.
Ms Gallagher: So now you don’t want to talk on it.
MR SPEAKER: I am just trying to work out how many people have spoken on this.
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