Page 4452 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 22 November 2005

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MRS DUNNE: The thing that needs to be pointed out is that Mr Corbell then went on to defend his dignity and Mr Gentleman’s dignity about my claim that Mr Gentleman was doing his bidding. He uses, as the evidence for that, that the committee had in fact disagreed with his variation.

Mr Corbell: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: Mrs Dunne is debating the issue. She is not making a personal explanation, nor is she trying to explain certain words. She is abusing the standing order, Mr Speaker, and you should direct her to complete her comments.

MR SPEAKER: It is very clear from that standing order that no debatable matter can be brought forward. You have to stick to those parts of your speech that have been misquoted or misunderstood.

MRS DUNNE: The part of the speech that I am particularly referring to is where I said that Mr Gentleman was doing the bidding of the planning minister. The planning minister refuted that by saying that the committee had, in fact, rejected the variation. I would like to read, for everyone’s edification, the first recommendation:

The Committee recommends that the proposed variation to the Territory Plan—

MR SPEAKER: Order! That was not part of your speech, Mrs Dunne, so you cannot claim to have been misquoted or misunderstood. It is not something that you read into your speech.

MRS DUNNE: I am not claiming that I read it in my speech; I am claiming that Mr Corbell attempted to gainsay what was said on the basis of the recommendation, that we misrepresented those recommendations.

MR SPEAKER: Order! The only issues that you can raise are areas where you have been misquoted or misunderstood, nothing more. No debatable matter can be introduced. For you to attempt to raise a portion of the report, which was not used in your speech, is not permitted under this standing order. It is not something that you used in your speech that you can claim that Mr Corbell misunderstood or misquoted.

MRS DUNNE: Mr Corbell made claims in his speech about me and used as evidence my apparent misunderstanding of the whole premise of this, on the basis that he said that the committee had rejected his variation. That is not the case.

Mr Corbell: On a point of order—

MRS DUNNE: Recommendation 1 clearly shows that that is not the case.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Resume your seat. I have already asked you to desist from that line of discussion and I have withdrawn leave for further comment under that standing order.

DR FOSKEY (Molonglo) (5.56): My reason for moving the adjournment of the debate was that at this time, given that the report was tabled about an hour ago, give or take

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