Page 4336 - Week 13 - Thursday, 17 November 2005
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This is a group devised show that explores ideas of survival, environment and co-habitation. Using performance installations, movement, satire and non-narrative-based performance ...
It was a fantastic show. I am glad I had the opportunity to have a look. I am also glad that the local Kambah scout group, with scout leader Jeanette Gordon and Will Munford, her son, were able to attend as well. I congratulate all of those involved, including the Canberra Youth Theatre, Environment ACT, Tidbinbilla staff and the ACT scouts.
The Junction
Community events—government invitations
DR FOSKEY (Molonglo) (4.55): I wish to raise three matters. First of all, it is pretty clear that the environment movement is not in favour with the Liberals today. I thank Mrs Dunne for bringing the issue of malaria in the Third World to the attention of the Assembly, it being a matter that has been neglected by governments of the world in their funding decisions for a very long time. If signing a petition is going to fix that, I will certainly do it.
My second point is related to a question that I asked the minister for community services about today about the Junction. Probably people on that side of the house know that the Junction is the responsibility, at the moment, of the department of health and that it is going to be handed over to the Department of Urban Services. To clear that up, it is not the Minister for Planning that I need to talk to about this but it will be the Minister for Urban Services when it gets handed over. However, we will be pursuing it with whatever is the appropriate authority.
Thirdly, I want to remark on a trend that I think I am observing. I want to check it out. There have been a number of occasions, I have noted, where I have stumbled, by accident, across community events that involve the government where I certainly have not been invited and I gather that the opposition has not been invited. One was the opening of the Griffin Centre. Another was the opening of the new police station. I am not sure about the bicycle racks on buses today.
I do understand it is the prerogative of the government to decide whom it invites to events. I found out about a number of these events through the community organisations that were involved, but it does concern me that people speaking at these events might then say, “The Liberals weren’t here,” or, “The Greens weren’t here,” with the implication that they do not care.
I encourage a tripartisan approach. It would be quite a good practice. I like to invite everyone to events that I host. I do not host the number that the government hosts but it is a practice that I believe existed in the Assembly. It is probably a feature worth continuing.
Question resolved in the affirmative.
The Assembly adjourned at 4.59 pm until Tuesday, 22 November 2005, at 10.30 am.
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