Page 4224 - Week 13 - Wednesday, 16 November 2005
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Mr Stanhope: I ask that all further questions be placed on the notice paper.
Answer to question on notice
Question No 534
MR PRATT: Mr Speaker, I want to chase up an outstanding question on notice. I direct the attention of the Minister for Police and Emergency Services to question on notice No 534. This is due on 23 September, Johnny. I wonder whether John junior has got it handy.
Mr Hargreaves: What number?
MR PRATT: Question on notice No 534.
MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Pratt, you have to use a member’s proper title in this place.
MR PRATT: I withdraw that.
MR HARGREAVES: Mr Speaker, I did a bit of a count on the number of questions on notice so far this year and I think the opposition are on track to achieve a record high in this term. They hit 1,788 last term and I think they are tracking at about 2,300 now. The two people responsible for keeping two people busy in my departments until they drop are Mrs Burke and Mr Pratt. I am sorry, Mr Pratt, I will have to look into which one of those people is supposed to have answered this question for you and flog them.
MR PRATT (Brindabella) (3.32): In accordance with standing order 118A (c), I move:
That the Minister has failed.
MR SPEAKER: Standing order 118A (c) goes to the issue. Mr Pratt, you can only move in relation to 118A (b) because an explanation was provided.
MR PRATT: Mr Speaker, I would submit to you that 118A (c) is quite clear in respect of the requirements of a minister to respond to questions on notice. I feel that I am well within my rights to move a motion in accordance with that particular standing order.
MR SPEAKER: It is very clear in the standing orders, Mr Pratt, that once the minister has given an explanation you cannot move a motion under 118A (c). If he has not provided an explanation then you can move in a particular direction. But in this case he has provided an explanation and whether or not you like it is not something that should trouble us. So, as I explained, you cannot move in relation to 118A (c). If you wish to move a motion, it has to be in relation to standing order 118A (b).
MR HARGREAVES (Brindabella—Minister for Disability, Housing and Community Services, Minister for Urban Services and Minister for Police and Emergency Services) (3.34): Mr Speaker, if it will assist the chamber, I am happy to try to give a supplementary answer to Mr Pratt.
Mr Stanhope: No, it will not.
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