Page 3949 - Week 12 - Thursday, 20 October 2005
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one is to convince everybody—each and every one of us—that we can no longer afford to be a throwaway society. It is not good enough to dig a whole and cover it over; we need to recycle and reuse as much as we possibly can.
I urge Canberrans to take up the cause even further. I congratulate them on the magnificent achievement thus far.
Mr Stanhope: I ask that all further questions be placed on the notice paper.
Supplementary answers to questions without notice
Land valuations
MR QUINLAN: Yesterday, at question time, I took a question on notice from Mr Mulcahy about international standards in relation to valuations. I would like to share the continuing saga of the flow of information that I have had in relation to that. I did say yesterday that I would double-check and, of course, I have had people do so.
Australian valuers are subject to valuation standards and guidance notes issued by the International Valuation Standards Committee and the Australian Valuation and Property Standards Board of the Australian Property Institute. Standards issued by the AVPSB are harmonised with those of the IVSC. The latest bulletin from the AVO in respect of land valuations is that the standards applied are issued by the Australian Valuation and Property Standards Board of the Australian Property Institute, which are harmonised with international valuation standards of the International Valuation Standards Committee.
MR MULCAHY (Molonglo): Mr Speaker, I seek leave to make a short statement on that matter.
Leave granted.
MR MULCAHY: I simply want to elaborate further to assist the Treasurer in the information that he is now alluding to and I simply seek leave to table a document from the International Valuation Standards Committee that sets out all the arrangements that he was making his comments on.
Leave granted.
MR MULCAHY: I table the following paper:
International Valuation Standards Committee—Extract from web site.
Personal explanations
MR PRATT (Brindabella): Under standing order 46, I would like to make two explanations, if I may, Mr Speaker.
MR SPEAKER: Please proceed.
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