Page 3682 - Week 11 - Thursday, 22 September 2005

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o Real Time Passenger Information and Signal Priority system

o Planning Study (Preliminary Assessment) for improved bus transit in the Belconnen Town Centre

Note: an increase in expenditure for this June 2005 quarter is typical for a major capital infrastructure project where the previous quarter involved the calling of tenders and letting of contracts, followed by a period of increased expenditure as work is undertaken and contract payments occur.

(3) (a) $1.47m; (b) The projects are on time and delivering projected outcomes.

(4) Projects currently funded within the Sustainable Transport Plan Stage 1, are due to be completed at end 2006 with the exception of the Belconnen – City Busway detailed engineering design and tender documentation which is due to be completed in Quarters 2-3 of 2006-07.

(5) Projects are running to time and budget and the forecast is for completion dates to be achieved.

Roads—Wells Station
(Question No 544)

Mr Seselja asked the Minister for Planning, upon notice, on 25 August 2005:

(1) Are there two forward design projects titled ‘Hoskins Street Wells Station Drive to Flemington Road’ and ‘Wells Station Drive Hoskins Street to Flemington Road’ in the 2004-05 capital works program; if so, what are the details around these two projects;

(2) What is the feasibility study for these two projects designed to report to Government;

(3) Will these projects involve a road being constructed from the Wells Station Drive/Hoskins Street intersection directly across to meet with Flemington Road; if so, where is it proposed that such an access road would meet with Flemington Road.

Mr Corbell: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Yes.

a) Hoskins Street from Wells Station Drive to Flemington Road

The proposed road extension has two 3.5 metre wide lanes with on-road cycle lanes and parallel parking bays on both sides of the road. It is a major collector road through the suburb of Franklin and will provide access to Mitchell and the Gungahlin Town Centre.

b) Wells Station Drive from Hoskins Street to Flemington Road

Wells Station Drive is a proposed arterial road linking Gungahlin Drive and Horse Park Drive. The road forms the boundary of three suburbs, Franklin, Harrison and Kenny. Part of the road has been previously constructed to link Gungahlin Drive to Hoskins Street in Mitchell industrial area. This project comprises the section of Wells Station Drive from Hoskins Street to link to the next major arterial road, Flemington Road.

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