Page 3680 - Week 11 - Thursday, 22 September 2005

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Suicide prevention
(Question No 541)

Mr Seselja asked the Minister for Health, upon notice, on 25 August 2005:

(1) What does the draft Suicide Prevention Strategy say about (a) life skills programs for apprentices and trainees throughout the ACT and (b) provision of services to men who are seeking help;

(2) What changes in emphasis have been made to the draft recommendations on these two points through various drafts of the Suicide Prevention Strategy document;

(3) What are the reasons for these changes.

Mr Corbell: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) (a) About life skills programs for apprentices and trainees throughout the ACT, the draft Suicide Prevention Strategy says:

1.1.3: Explore options for building on life skills programs that focus on resilience building, coping strategies and help seeking behaviors for apprentices and trainees throughout the ACT.

(b) About provision of services for men who are seeking help, the draft Suicide Prevention Strategy says:

2.3.1: In partnership between government and community organisations investigate and identify successful approaches and protocols to increase help seeking among men and improve men’s social and emotional well-being.

(2) All actions within the draft Suicide Prevention Strategy, including these two, have been developed through an extensive consultation process and have undergone numerous changes throughout that process. The emphasis within these two actions has always been on finding ways to improve services for men and increasing men’s utilisation of existing and future services to improve their mental health and reduce the risk of suicide amongst men.

(3) The actions as included in the final draft of the Strategy reflect the consensus position of key stakeholders and the ACT community as agreed during the consultation process.

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