Page 3401 - Week 11 - Tuesday, 20 September 2005

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Minister for Education and Training) (5.31): I move amendment No 15 circulated in my name [see schedule 4 at page 3418].

Amendment No 15 goes to issues in relation to notification provisions and consultation with the Aboriginal community. Protection for these particular trees has been provided for under heritage legislation. The Tree Protection Bill 2005 enables us to provide a level of protection befitting the importance of trees with Aboriginal significance. Concerns were raised in recent consultation with members of the ACT Aboriginal community regarding the role of the Ngunnawal community in the protection and management of Aboriginal heritage trees. Their involvement extends beyond the obvious moral right that is essential in order to identify these trees to provide them with a high level of protection while respecting cultural sensitivities. This set of amendments places a requirement on the conservator to provide notification to the representative Aboriginal organisations of decisions relating to Aboriginal heritage trees and copies of restricted Aboriginal information declarations.

Once notification of a decision is provided, the representative Aboriginal organisation will have an opportunity to request a reconsideration of the decision and to take the matter to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. These amendments also place a requirement upon the Heritage Council to consult with the representative Aboriginal organisation and to provide advice to the conservator on matters relating to Aboriginal heritage trees. I commend these amendments.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause 24, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 25 to 27, by leave, taken together and agreed to.

Clause 28.

MR STANHOPE (Ginninderra—Chief Minister, Attorney-General, Minister for the Environment and Minister for Arts, Heritage and Indigenous Affairs, and Acting Minister for Education and Training) (5.34): I seek leave to move amendments Nos 16 and 17 circulated in my name together.

Leave granted.

MR STANHOPE: I move amendments Nos 16 and 17 circulated in my name [see schedule 4 at page 3418].

I have spoken to these particular amendments. I will not add to the comment that I have previously made

Amendments agreed to.

Clause 28, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 29.

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