Page 3227 - Week 10 - Thursday, 25 August 2005

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acknowledging that, like our society, this place is quite diverse, just in terms of names, ethnic backgrounds and accents, for instance. It reads:

Members agree to respect and uphold the law, not discredit the institution of parliament and maintain their commitment to the public through personal honesty and integrity in all their dealings.

That is important. If we, as members, do that we can only make this place better. If we make this place better then, hopefully, we will govern it wisely and make the ACT a better place to live.

DR FOSKEY (Molonglo) (11.44): I will be supporting the code of conduct and seek leave to move amendments to the motion.

Mr Berry: This is probably not a point of order but I will do my best to make it sound like one. Dr Foskey need not be troubled by this being dealt with separately, except that some of the elements of her amendments will be opposed. If we were to deal with them together, we would have to separate them later in order to do that.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Dr Foskey, you may move that all those amendments be grouped. Mr Berry, you might then like to move that they be dealt with separately.

Mr Berry: You are suggesting it would be a better idea for me to grant leave for them to be dealt with together and they can then be broken up. That is sound Clerk’s advice!

Leave granted.

DR FOSKEY (Molonglo) (11.46): I move the following amendments:

1. In the section Conduct as employers:

After the words “obligations to” add “contractors and

2. In the section Conduct as employers:

After the words “compliance with the Code.” insert a new paragraph:

“Members must accept responsibility for the actions and decisions of staff in the performance of their work or duties.”

3. In the section Conduct as employers:

After the words “compliance with the Code.” Insert a new paragraph:

Members must ensure that staff members declare their position when participating or raising questions at public meetings, consultations and community events, and in the media.

4. Immediately after the section Conduct as employers insert new section:

Conduct toward Assembly staff

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