Page 3042 - Week 10 - Tuesday, 23 August 2005
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MR PRATT: Chief Minister, did you mislead the Assembly last week when you claimed—
MR SPEAKER: Order! Withdraw that. That is an imputation.
MR PRATT: I will withdraw it. Chief Minister, is the non-existence of the evacuation plan a sign of your incompetence in emergency management planning?
Ms Clea Rose
MRS BURKE: Mr Speaker, my question is to the police minister, Mr Hargreaves. Minister, I refer to an interview with Ross Solly on ABC radio this morning about the recent hit-and-run accident in Civic. You said:
I don’t want to issue out the actual detail. I’m not about to be advertising everywhere any deficiencies which may have been addressed.
Which deficiencies did the internal police report address? Why will you not advise the community about the deficiencies the report uncovered?
MR HARGREAVES: It seems as though there is a competition between Mr Pratt and Mrs Burke for the big goose of the week award. Mrs Burke conveniently did not quote another thing I said in the same interview. I said that, if the review into the processes and procedures reveals that the police were exemplary, I will publish that as well. I think we have got ourselves a transfer of the police bashing from the erstwhile shadow anti-police minister, Mr Pratt, to Mrs Burke. I have to say it is about time, too, because I am sure Mrs Burke would do a better job of bashing the police than Mr Pratt could ever do.
Members interjecting—
Mrs Burke: Mr Speaker, I wish to raise a point of order.
MR SPEAKER: Couldn’t you hear him either?
Mrs Burke: Yes, I could, but he is making an imputation that he has no grounds to make. He should withdraw that statement.
MR SPEAKER: What was the imputation?
Mrs Burke: That we are bashing the police. That is ridiculous. It is nonsense; it is spurious; and he knows it.
MR HARGREAVES: If Mrs Burke wants me to withdraw the one and only time I am going to congratulate her in this place, I am quite possibly going to do it.
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