Page 2987 - Week 09 - Thursday, 18 August 2005
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Fairbairn Park
(Question No 446)
Mr Stefaniak asked the Minister for Planning, upon notice, on 30 June 2005:
(1) What steps has the Government taken to the granting of the lease of Fairbairn Park to the Fairbairn Park Control Council,
(2) Why was an order under section 254A of the Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 issued to the Fairbairn Park Control Council in April this year;
(3) Will the Government take full responsibility for any work that is needed at the site as a result of its department’s order mentioned above, given that a substantial part of the rubble referred to was dumped by a Government department and a major construction on the site relates to a Subaru rally and was built by Government action; if not, why not,
(4) What status does the Ridgeway Residents Action Group have and is a post office box acceptable for the purposes of the Act in terms of their complaint that led to the order;
(5) Has the Ridgeway Residents Action Group any standing to issue such an objection given that the group is resident in NSW;
(6) Who is listed as the owner of the post office box referred to in the address given by the Ridgeway Residents Action Group;
(7) Will the Minister withdraw the current application either by calling it in or simply by withdrawing it and issuing a lease to the Fairbairn Park Control Council; if not, why not;
(8) Will the Government pay for any required actions that need to be taken in respect of the site to facilitate the granting of a lease given that the Fairbairn Park Control Council consists of a number of motor sports clubs who have little if any money;
(9) Have any other complaints been lodged as a result of the development application advertised several months ago apart from the complaint by the Ridgeway Residents Action Group.
Mr Corbell: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:
(1) The ACT Planning and Land Authority has prepared a lease and has referred it to the ACT Government Solicitor’s Office for advice.
(2) The Authority made an order following investigations by inspectors and reports from Environment ACT. Investigations confirmed that a range of activities were being or had
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