Page 2969 - Week 09 - Thursday, 18 August 2005
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(5) How many tenants were evicted from public housing in 2004-05 and for what reasons;
(6) By what percentage has the ACT Government increased or reduced public housing stock in the ACT in 2004-05 compared to the result for 2003-04.
Mr Hargreaves: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:
(1) There were 3006 Applicants on the public Housing Wait List Register at 30 June 2005.
(2) There was a 14% increase in the number of applications from 03/04 to 04/05.
(3) There were 1705 accounts in arrears as at 20 June 2005, the last rental payment date for the 04/05 financial year.
(4) $1,078,068.
(5) 23 tenants were evicted in 04/05. Three tenants were evicted due to breach of tenancy and 20 evicted due to arrears.
(6) Public housing stock increased by 0.4% in 04/05.
Housing ACT—joint ventures
(Question No 430)
Mrs Burke asked the Minister for Disability, Housing and Community Services, upon notice, on 28 June 2005:
Further to the reply to question on notice No 67, Estimates Hearings 2005-06, if there is an improvement in the operating result from 2007-08 to 2008-09, due to an improved share of profits being returned from investment in joint ventures (a) who is Housing ACT engaging in joint ventures with, (b) what are the projected profits from the joint ventures and (c) what projects are under these joint ventures.
Mr Hargreaves: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:
Requests for Tenders have been called from potential Joint Venture Partners for three sites:
• The former Burnie Court site in Lyons
• Frazer Court in Kingston
• Currong Apartments in Braddon
Those tenders are being assessed by a tender evaluation panel with a recommendation expected in July 2005.
Any projection of profits will be dependent on commercial negotiations with the preferred tenderers.
Hospitals—elective surgery waiting list project officer
(Question No 431)
Mr Smyth asked the Minister for Health, upon notice, on 29 June 2005:
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