Page 2965 - Week 09 - Thursday, 18 August 2005

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(2) Is the Government aware whether or not the Centre is still in operation;

(3) If the Government is aware of a review conducted into the organisation, what were the outcomes of the review;

(4) Is there any evidence to suggest that the organisation may be in breach of its contractual arrangements, with specific reference to confidentiality and privacy of client’s information held by Family Based Respite Care.

Mr Corbell: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) In 2004-05 FaBRiC received $1,963,150 from the Home and Community Care Program.

(2) The ACT Government has a current Service Funding Agreement with FaBRiC. This Agreement will remain in force until 30 June 2007. The agency provides bi-annual Performance and Financial Reports allowing comprehensive monitoring of the agency’s service provision. Regular communication and feedback processes occur between ACT Health and the agency.

(3) In 2004 FaBRiC commissioned two separate external reviews of its service provision model and organisational structure. The Board of Management endorsed the recommendations of these reviews in August 2004. FaBRiC has developed a Strategic Plan to implement these recommendations under the collective title of Supporting and Strengthening Families Change Program.

The Program is modelled on best practice in the provision of respite care and will focus on the delivery of specific care and individually designed programs. It is to be introduced in two phases addressing the change initiation and continuing quality improvement, consolidation and evaluation.

(4) There is no evidence to suggest the FaBRiC is in breach of any element of its contractual responsibilities. No report or complaint relating to confidentiality and privacy of client information has been received. FaBRiC has developed a comprehensive suite of policies and procedures governing all elements of its service provision and particularly addressing the requirements of privacy and confidentiality relating to clients.

Housing—private rental leasing scheme
(Question No 423)

Mrs Burke asked the Minister for Disability, Housing and Community Services, upon notice, on 23 June 2005:

(1) Further to the reply to question on notice No 103, Estimates Hearings 2005-06, why is the Private Rental Leasing Scheme winding up as each lease expires between Housing ACT and private property owners;

(2) How many properties does Housing ACT have remaining in this scheme;

(3) On what date will the last lease under the scheme expire.

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