Page 2952 - Week 09 - Thursday, 18 August 2005

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(2) What advice has Housing ACT provided to the Minister as to whether or not there will be a real reduction on the average cost of maintenance expenditure when the new property maintenance contractor, Spotless, undertakes its property maintenance contract with Housing ACT;

(3) If there is a real reduction in maintenance costs as a result of Spotless being awarded the contract, what will the reduction in real terms be.

Mr Hargreaves: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) The average maintenance expenditure in 2004-05 was approximately $3,100 for each ACT public housing dwelling.

(2) The new Total Facility Management contract is based on maximising value for money in the delivery of maintenance to the portfolio rather than a real reduction in the average cost of maintenance expenditure. The Total Facility Management model allows Housing ACT to manage the delivery of repairs and maintenance services to the portfolio effectively within a fixed budget. Housing ACT views Total Facility Management as a model in which people, processes, assets and the work environment are optimised to support the achievement of maintenance outcomes and objectives, improve outcomes for tenants and deliver a long term improvement in the condition of the public housing stock.

(3) See above.

Therapy services
(Question No 399)

Mrs Burke asked the Minister for Disability, Housing and Community Services, upon notice, on 21 June 2005:

(1) Further to a response given to a question concerning the reduction of Therapy ACT targets for therapy service hours, 2005-06 Budget Paper 4, page 277, how has this decision by the ACT Government benefited or affected children with autism/autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) in the ACT;

(2) What part of “needs based allocation of services” does this particular reduction to services represent;

(3) How will the reduction in the hours of therapy services provided impact upon the clearing of Therapy ACT waiting lists for ASD diagnosis.

Mr Hargreaves: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) The target figures for 2004-05 were an approximation made when Therapy ACT was using two different client databases which recorded information in different ways. The target figures for 2004-05 were not realistic and it is anticipated that the 2005-06 figures will reflect a more accurate picture of the recorded time for client intervention. There is no actual reduction of service to any client group.

(2) Not Applicable.

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