Page 2043 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 21 June 2005

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Tuesday, 21 June 2005

MR SPEAKER (Mr Berry) took the chair at 10.30 am, made a formal recognition that the Assembly was meeting on the lands of the traditional owners, and asked members to stand in silence and pray or reflect on their responsibilities to the people of the Australian Capital Territory.

Broadcasting of Legislative Assembly proceedings

Statement by Speaker

MR SPEAKER: Members, I would like to inform you of three initiatives that are aimed at improving access for ACT people to the work of the Assembly. These matters have been taken up with the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure and were accepted at its last meeting. For the next two weeks of sittings, Community Radio 2XX FM will conduct a trial of delayed broadcasts of question time proceedings. They will be at 2.00 pm on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. At the end of the two weeks, secretariat officers and 2XX staff will assess the feasibility of conducting live broadcasts of question time.

Members will be aware that, from the start of the Sixth Assembly, Hansard has been trialing an audio replay service of question time on the Assembly’s intranet. From today, the audio replay of question time will be available on the Assembly’s internet site about an hour after the end of question time. The committee also accepted, subject to the satisfactory resolution of technical and budgetary issues, the trial of live internet web streaming of Assembly proceedings and committee hearings. I will keep members informed of developments as they occur.

Leave of absence

Motion (by Mr Hargreaves) agreed to:

That leave of absence be given to Mr Stanhope (Chief Minister) from 21 to 24 June 2005 and Mr Corbell (Minister for Planning) for today’s sitting.

Estimates 2005-2006—Select Committee


MS MacDONALD (Brindabella) (10.32): Pursuant to order, I present the following report:

Estimates 2005-2006—Select Committee—Report—Appropriation Bill 2005-2006, dated 20 June 2005, including additional comments (Dr Foskey, Ms MacDonald and Ms Porter) and a dissenting report (Mr Mulcahy and Mr Seselja), together with a copy of the extracts of the relevant minutes of proceedings and supplementary papers.

I seek leave to move a motion authorising the report for publication.

Leave granted.

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