Page 2035 - Week 06 - Friday, 6 May 2005
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Further to the reply question on notice No 136, is the feasibility study to consider site options and inclusions in a new youth detention centre, which you previously stated was scheduled for completion in April 2005, on track to be completed this month; if so, when will the study be presented to Government and when will the study be made public; if not, when will the report now be completed and released publicly.
Ms Gallagher: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:
(1) The first stage of the feasibility study which will focus on an analysis of the various site options will be completed in late May 2005. The Government will consider the recommendations of the study in mid June 2005, after which an announcement on the preferred site(s) will be made.
Emergency Services—Fire-Link project
(Question No 371)
Mrs Dunne asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, upon notice, on 7 April 2005:
(1) How many tender submissions were received by the Emergency Services Authority in relation to the “Fire-Link” project;
(2) Why was the “Fire-Link” project the subject of a single select tender process and on what basis was it considered there were reasonable grounds to dispense with the ordinary requirements of the ACT Government Procurement (Quotation and Tender Thresholds) Guideline 2003 No 1.
Mr Hargreaves: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:
(1) One – FireLink was selected as the best and final offer under a single select tender process.
(2) The objectives of the project are best served by the adoption of a single select tender process for the following factors:
a) The existence of a local supplier who has been proven capable during a 4-month trial;
b) The limited timescale for planning and delivery of the required capability, prior to the commencement of the 2004/05 fire season;
c) The specialist capability required - a self-replicating mobile radio network that directly suits the ESA operational requirements, particularly in remoter areas, to support the control and coordination of deployed ESA vehicles; and
d) As the suppliers for the specialist capability within the marketplace are very limited and known, the invitation of Public Tenders would limit the delivery of the desired outcomes and not present any additional benefits over the single select process.
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