Page 1920 - Week 06 - Thursday, 5 May 2005
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Working Families in the Australian Capital Territory—Select Committee
MR SPEAKER: I have been notified in writing of the following nominations for membership of the Select Committee on Working Families in the Australian Capital Territory: Mrs Burke, Mr Gentleman and Ms Porter.
Motion (by Mr Corbell) agreed to:
That the Members so nominated be appointed as members of the Select Committee on Working Families in the Australian Capital Territory.
Housing ACT
Paper and statement by minister
MR HARGREAVES (Brindabella—Minister for Disability, Housing and Community Services, Minister for Urban Services and Minister for Police and Emergency Services): For the information of members, I present the following paper:
Financial Management Act, pursuant to section 30A—Quarterly Departmental Performance Report for the March Quarter 2004-2005—Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services—Corrigendum, dated May 2005.
I seek leave to make a short statement
Leave granted.
MR HARGREAVES: The original paper was tabled in the Assembly on 3 May this year. The first matter is the replacement of cost measures for output 1.1, public housing services and policy, replacing the earlier measures, which were the December quarter amounts that had not been updated. The notes explaining the variances between the target and the March quarterly measures have also been amended to reflect the March results.
The second matter is about amending the total costs in government payments for outputs reported at output 1.2, community and supported housing, to reflect the March quarter amounts. Note 11 explaining the variance between the target and the March quarterly measure has also been amended to reflect the March results. I apologise for any confusion to members.
Mr Stanhope presented the following papers:
Public Accounts—Standing Committee—Report 11—The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) with special reference to the Australian Capital Territory (presented 24 August 2004)—Government response, dated May 2005.
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