Page 1785 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 4 May 2005

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and I will deal with it under the relevant standing order,” which is standing order 56 or 57. So it is not quite in relation to—

MR MULCAHY: I was not seeking to verbal you, Mr Speaker. It was my understanding of your advice in a future course of action.

MR SPEAKER: The point I was making is that if people are going to plead that something is offensive and they have been seriously offended, they ought to raise it at the very moment it occurs and I will deal with it. But, so far as personal explanations are concerned, we usually deal with them at the end of the segment, whether it is a debate or question time.

MR MULCAHY: I thank you for the advice, Mr Speaker.

Supplementary answers to questions without notice

Moderate income land ballot

MR CORBELL: Mr Speaker, in question time today, Dr Foskey asked me what happens with those blocks of land offered through the moderate income land ballot but not sold on the day. I am happy to advise Dr Foskey that those blocks not sold on the day of the ballot are now for sale directly over the counter from the Land Development Agency to eligible moderate-income buyers, the same people who would be eligible through the ballot process.

Answers to questions on notice

Question Nos 321, 322, 323, 324, 325 and 333

MRS BURKE: Thank you, Mr Speaker. I just bring to the attention of the Minister for Health, Mr Corbell, unanswered questions 321, 322, 323, 324, 325 and 333 due 15 April.

MR CORBELL: Mr Speaker, I am pretty sure those answers have now been signed off by me and they should be on their way to Mrs Burke.

Question No 229

MRS DUNNE: Mr Speaker, under standing order 118A, I seek an explanation from the Minister for Health about his failure to answer question 229, which was due on 7 April.

MR CORBELL: Again, I think that reply has been signed off by me and is on its way to Mrs Dunne.

MRS DUNNE: Mr Speaker, I asked for an explanation for its lateness, not where it was. I would like an explanation for its lateness.

MR SPEAKER: The minister has told you that it has been signed and he thinks it is on its way to you.

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