Page 1587 - Week 05 - Thursday, 7 April 2005

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(2) How many (a) motel and (b) cabin units are proposed to be available;

(3) When will this accommodation be completed;

(4) Will this accommodation be operated by the ACT Department of Education and Training or subleased to private operators;

(5) If it will be operated by the ACT Government, what is the estimated level of staffing;

(6) Have the plans for this accommodation been finalised;

(7) Have these proposals been approved by the Tidbinbilla Valley Board;

(8) Has a development application been submitted to the ACT Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA); if so, has ACTPLA approved the development application;

(9) If a development application has been submitted but not yet approved, has ACTPLA advised of any concerns about the proposal;

(10) Has any work been done to determine the financial viability of this proposal; if so, what was the outcome.

Mr Corbell: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) A total of seven (7) cabins is proposed.

(2) Seven cabin units proposed to be available. There are no motel units.

(3) This is an operational issue. A response will be provided under separate cover by the Minster for Education and Training. Notwithstanding, the Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991 requires completion within two years from the date of the approval.

(4) This is an operational issue. A response will be provided under separate cover by the Minister for Education and Training.

(5) This is an operational issue. A response will be provided under separate cover by the Minister for Education and Training.

(6) In terms of the Development Application (DA), yes. However, this does not preclude the applicant from requesting an amendment or seeking approval for an alternative proposal at a later date.

(7) A response will be provided under separate cover by the Minister for Education and Training.

(8) Yes. Yes.

(9) N/A.

(10) This is an operational issue. A response will be provided under separate cover by the Minister for Education and Training.

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