Page 1533 - Week 05 - Thursday, 7 April 2005

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Mr Corbell: He has just answered the question.

MR SESELJA: I do not believe that he has.

MR SPEAKER: Of course there is advice given by the Clerk and the Clerk would advise me on how I might pursue options. I chose the option that you find in the statement. I cannot see how I could add further, unless I was to add some controversy to it that you might be able to play with.

Personal explanations

MR SMYTH (Brindabella—Leader of the Opposition): Mr Speaker, under standing order 46, I seek leave to make a personal explanation.

MR SPEAKER: Certainly.

MR SMYTH: Mr Speaker, during question time, Minister Corbell said that the previous government had done nothing in Civic and that I, as planning minister, had done nothing in Civic. That is incorrect. I am willing to cite a list of things that we had done, including the Our city, Creating our city and Building our city documents, the link refurbishment, the playhouse rebuilding, section 40, the section 56 redevelopment, the commencement of the honour walk, and our street art, including Ainslie’s sheep and the cushion.

MR SPEAKER: That is hardly a personal explanation.

MR SMYTH: But there is more, Mr Speaker. There is the big screen. There is the Civic bus shelter. There are the cafes.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Resume your seat.

Auditor-General’s Report No 1 of 2005

Mr Speaker presented the following paper:

Auditor-General Act, pursuant to subsection 17 (5)—Auditor-General’s Report No 1/2005—Management of Government Grants to the ACT Multicultural Council Inc., dated 6 April 2005.

MR CORBELL (Molonglo—Minister for Health and Minister for Planning): I ask for leave to move a motion to authorise publication of the report.

MR SPEAKER: Is leave granted?

Mr Smyth: Yes, Mr Speaker, we will extend that courtesy to the minister.

MR SPEAKER: Leave is granted. Thank you, Mr Smyth.

Ms MacDonald: You shit.

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