Page 1517 - Week 05 - Thursday, 7 April 2005

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Health and Disability—Standing Committee

Statement by chair

MS MacDONALD (Brindabella): I seek leave to make a statement regarding a new inquiry.

Leave granted.

MS MacDONALD: The Standing Committee on Health and Disability has resolved to conduct an inquiry into and report on the relationship between the health and science sectors in the ACT, with particular reference to the communication between primary and tertiary health organisations in the medical research community in the ACT; government and industry assistance to medical research in the ACT; the use of medical research in planning for health provision to the ACT and surrounding population; ways in which medical research can assist to lower the cost of health provision; models to support medical research; the availability and advancement of diagnostic testing; and any other related matter.

Sitting suspended from 12.24 to 2.30 pm.

Questions without notice

Mr Rob Tonkin

MR SMYTH: My question is directed to the Chief Minister. Chief Minister, yesterday I asked you about the AWA that was signed by you and Mr Tonkin in relation to his role in the Office of Special Adviser. In passing, I note that the use of an AWA effectively circumvented scrutiny of this arrangement at that time by this Assembly.

As part of the negotiations leading up to this arrangement, Mr Tonkin sought an annual payment of $12,000 to continue with his personal development and training activities through his involvement with the CEO circle. What is the CEO circle? Who is entitled to be a member of this circle? Who, from the ACT public service, are members of the circle?

MR STANHOPE: I will take the question on notice, Mr Speaker.

MR SMYTH: Mr Speaker, I have a supplementary question. Chief Minister, as you signed the AWA, I assumed that you would have been aware of the CEO circle. What is the cost of those ACT public servants being members of the CEO circle?

MR STANHOPE: I will take the question on notice, Mr Speaker.

National Youth Week

MR GENTLEMAN: My question is to the Minister for Education and Training. Can the minister inform the Assembly of events occurring in the ACT for National Youth Week?

MS GALLAGHER: I thank Mr Gentleman for his question. Members will be aware that Saturday marks the beginning of National Youth Week, with events continuing

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