Page 1278 - Week 04 - Thursday, 17 March 2005

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b) There is no cost for on-air time on pay TV while airtime on the three local commercial stations has not yet been invoiced but is expected to be $20,000.

(4) The initial booking for free-to-air TV is 30 January to 5 May 2005 (WIN, TEN and Prime). Over this time, Prime will place the television commercial (TVC) 24 times with 40 bonus (free) spots; WIN will place the TVC 18 times with 10 bonus (free) spots; and TEN will place the TVC 15 times with 16 bonus (free) spots. The runtime on Foxtel has no scheduled end-date. Currently, the advertisements continuously cycle (12 in total) and are broadcast on average two times per hour over a 24-hour-period.

(5) Refer to answer to question (4).

(6) a) The purpose of these advertisements is to celebrate the AFP’s 25th anniversary and highlight the extensive police work performed by AFP officers in ACT Policing during that time. Additionally, the advertisements profile successful community policing initiatives such as Constable Kenny Koala and Volunteers in Policing.

b) and c) The target market/audience on ACT free-to-air TV is ACT residents of all ages. The target market/audience on Foxtel is slightly different as Foxtel screens nationally and internationally, and promotes the diversity of AFP activities including community policing.

(7) The current TV advertising is part of ACT Policing’s ongoing community awareness campaign in all facets of the media covering a range of crime prevention, driver behaviour and related themes. ACT Policing budgets approximately $150,000 annually for its community awareness campaign advertising.

Government—ministerial legal actions
(Question No 191)

Mr Pratt asked the Chief Minister, upon notice, on 17 February 2005:

(1) Have any Ministers had legal action taken against them in the (a) current or (b) Fifth Assembly; if so, which Ministers and for what reasons;

(2) What are the associated costs for any legal action taken against Ministers in the Fifth or Sixth Assembly.

Mr Stanhope: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) A number of actions have been commenced in the lifetime of the Labor Government which have named Ministers as respondents. Those actions relate solely to decisions taken either by Ministers or officials in the discharge of governmental functions. No actions have been commenced in the current or previous Assembly against Ministers in respect of such matters as personal staff disputes, defamation, etc.

(2) No costs have been incurred in the current or previous Assembly in respect of actions against Ministers in respect of such matters as personal staff disputes, defamation, etc.

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