Page 1275 - Week 04 - Thursday, 17 March 2005
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A copy of the report is available at the Chamber Support Office.
Public service—job vacancies
(Question No 180)
Mrs Burke asked the Minister for Disability, Housing and Community Services, upon notice, on 17 February 2005:
(1) What is the process for advertising job vacancies in the Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services when a person currently filling a specific position is taking any sort of leave and has indicated and/or agreed with a supervisor that they do not intend to return to the position;
(2) How many positions have been advertised in the period 1 November 2004 to 17 January 2005 within the Department where people are on extended leave of any nature.
Mr Hargreaves: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:
(1) If at the time of advertising, a permanent position is not nominally vacant, but there is reason to believe that it will become vacant within a short timeframe, the position is usually advertised as an “Expected Vacancy”. The manager can also choose to fill the position temporarily in the first instance and in this case a Whole of Government Expression of Interest may be called for a temporary vacancy. Alternatively, under Clause 30.6 of Part 1 of the DHCS Certified Agreement, the manager may decide to ‘act’ an officer in the position for up to 6 months before advertising.
(2) There were 10 positions advertised in the period 1 November 2004 to 17 January 2005 where staff were on extended leave.
Disabled persons—dual disability
(Question No 181)
Mrs Burke asked the Minister for Disability, Housing and Community Services, upon notice, on 17 February 2005:
Has a long-term program been established for people with dual disabilities and complex behavioural problems in the ACT; if so, please provide details; if not, why not.
Mr Hargreaves: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:
Funding was provided in the 2004-2005 Budget for the establishment of a program commencing in January 2006. The design and implementation of that service model is currently being developed by Disability ACT.
The 2004-2005 Budget also provided funding for an associated feasibility study to look at the scope for the delivery of the service and the required capital works infrastructure that may be required. That study has been completed and I am considering a series of recommendations prior to the release of the report.
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