Page 1267 - Week 04 - Thursday, 17 March 2005

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Ms Gallagher: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) The key performance indicators are referred to as Key Elements in the National Safe Schools Framework. These are:

Key Element 1 School Values, Ethos, Culture, Structure and Student Welfare

Key Element 2 Policies, Programmes and Procedures

Key Element 3 Provision of Education/Training

Key Element 4 Managing incidents of Abuse/Victimisation

Key Element 5 Providing support for Students

Key Element 6 Working closely with Parents

(2) ACT Government primary and high schools have conducted an audit against each of the key elements.

(3) A performance rating scale that is the same as the one used for the school review and development process was used. This scale ranged from A = Aspiring to E = Excelling. Schools are required to include their ratings in a report that is attached to their school board report.

(4) The National Safe Schools Framework elements do not represent a pass or fail system. The framework elements are a means of focusing schools on areas for improvement. School progress against the framework elements will be known once school board reports have been received and analysed.

(Question No 164)

Mrs Dunne asked the Minister for Children, Youth and Family Support, upon notice, on 16 February 2005:

(1) In relation to the removal of children from the custody of their parents by the Office for Children, Youth and Family Support, was the Office, or legal representatives of the Office, involved in legal proceedings in the ACT Supreme Court in 24 December 2004;

(2) If so, what was the nature and the details of the matters involving the Office in the ACT Supreme Court;

(3) Did the Supreme Court find that the Office had acted inappropriately or contrary to law;

(4) If the Office was found by the Supreme Court to have acted inappropriately or unlawfully, in what way did it act inappropriately or unlawfully;

(5) If the Office has acted inappropriately or unlawfully, why did it do so;

(6) Further to the case mentioned in The Canberra Times on Monday, 27 December 2004 entitled, ‘Child’s return the best gift for father’, did officials from the Office for Children, Youth and Family Support, in the company of six police officers, remove a child from the custody of its father, and was the child then taken interstate;

(7) If so, on what date was the child removed from its father’s custody;

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