Page 1184 - Week 04 - Thursday, 17 March 2005

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exemptions until April 2006. The additional time will allow the cooperation groups to address the remaining differences between Australian and New Zealand laws and regulations. The states and territories endorsed the changes to the TTMRA special exemptions by gazetting the regulations in their respective gazettes or, in the ACT, by notifying the instrument on the ACT legislation register.


Mr Stanhope presented the following paper:

ACT Criminal Justice—Statistical Profile—December quarter 2004.

Territory plan—variation No 246

Papers and statement by minister

MR CORBELL (Molonglo—Minister for Health and Minister for Planning): For the information of members, I present the following papers:

Land (Planning and Environment) Act, pursuant to subsection 29 (1)—Approval of Variation No 246 to the Territory Plan—Changes to Residential Area Specific Policy Overlays—Suburb of Downer, dated 15 March 2005, together with background papers, a copy of the summaries and reports, and a copy of any direction or report required.

I ask for leave to make a statement in relation to the papers.

Leave not granted.

Standing orders—suspension

Motion (by Mr Corbell) proposed:

That so much of the standing orders be suspended as would prevent Mr Corbell making a statement.

MR SMYTH (Brindabella—Leader of the Opposition) (3.46): It has been a tradition of this place for the last 15 years or so that, when members seek leave to make a statement, leave is granted. It seems that, since the advent of majority government, Mr Corbell has determined that that leave, that courtesy, shall not be shown to this side of the house. Indeed, the number of occasions in the last couple of weeks—

MR SPEAKER: Mr Smyth, come to the point of the motion for the suspension of standing orders which is before us.

MR SMYTH: The point is that Mr Corbell seeks leave to make a statement. He made a statement earlier in the week that courtesy should be shown, but that courtesy is not being shown to this side of the house. Both sides of this house have work to do and a large proportion of that work depends on leave that is granted by the house. On the majority of occasions in the past 15 years, the Liberal Party has granted leave to whomever has wanted to make a statement. We have seen a change, particularly since

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