Page 1104 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 16 March 2005

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Mr Gentleman about the importance of workers having access to secure employment, regular working hours and appropriate remuneration for work performed.

MR GENTLEMAN (Brindabella) (4.55), in reply: Mr Deputy Speaker, in moving this motion, I was entirely aware of the diversity of opinion in this chamber on these fundamental issues of industrial relations. The actions of the federal government, however, belie their rhetoric that the industrial relations system in Australia requires deregulation.

This template demonstrates that the commitment of the federal government is to aggressive intervention into the lives of working families. We have a responsibility to work with families, unions, businesses and the community of the ACT to achieve a balance between our working lives and our family and community involvement. This is the recipe to economic growth and prosperity and to sustainable and engaging social relationships. To achieve this balance, it is essential that workers have the space and the autonomy to achieve the balance between work and family.

Research, statistics and the very real experiences of workers in the ACT demonstrate that this space requires secure employment, regular working hours and appropriate remuneration for work performed. Flexibility and employment relationships are crucial to workers trying to achieve this balance. Flexibility can be beneficial to business, too, particularly in terms of investing in and building a commitment to hard-working and skilled works. To realise these outcomes, we must realise the very real needs of workers, their families and the communities involved. Work-life balance can be an elusive goal but it is not unrealisable.

The role of government is crucial in this realisation, and it is this motion that serves both to recognise this and to ensure that all levels of government are committed to achieving this goal for sustainable economic growth and social prosperity. I urge you to support the motion.

Question put:

That Mr Gentleman’s motion be agreed to.

The Assembly voted–

Ayes 10 Noes 7

Mr Berry

Mr Hargreaves

Mrs Burke

Mr Smyth

Mr Corbell

Ms MacDonald

Mrs Dunne

Mr Stefaniak

Dr Foskey

Ms Porter

Mr Mulcahy

Ms Gallagher

Mr Quinlan

Mr Pratt

Mr Gentleman

Mr Stanhope

Mr Seselja

Question so resolved in the affirmative.

Motion agreed to.

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