Page 81 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 7 December 2004

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impact of climate change on water supply. The ACT community has responded magnificently to the restrictions, but they are not a long-term solution. As members know, I have asked Actew to provide advice on whether a new water supply option is necessary and, if so, what the optimal solution might be.

We have recognised that we are part of a bigger region. We will play our part as a member of the Murray Darling Basin and, subject to a satisfactory outcome of discussions between the commonwealth and states and territories, we will be supporting national water reforms contained within the national water initiative.

Those principles are at the very core of the government’s approach to our natural environment, and they will guide our actions on the environment. I am very proud of our first term record on environmental issues. Our approach has been characterised by a strong sense of responsibility and the willingness to back it up with the necessary funds. In our second term, we will build on that record.

We will increase the 1,460 hectares of native bushland we added to the Canberra nature park by adding another 900. We will protect our native woodlands and grasslands, including 400 hectares in Jerrabomberra. We will protect yellow box/red gum woodland at Kinlyside, 100 hectares at Lawson grasslands and 130 hectares at west Majura. We will protect the lowland woodland at Naas Valley, and we will carry out detailed studies of the Newline quarry and south Aranda woodlands.

In its second term, the government will trial alternative fuels such as biodiesel in the ACTION fleet. We will spend $4 million on upgrading our public housing stock to make it more energy efficient. We will strengthen the role of the Conservator of Flora and Fauna by reviewing the Nature Conservation Act. We will introduce new legislation to deal with pest plants and animals.

I am looking forward very much to continuing the government’s strong first term record in the arts and heritage. The Canberra community has been recognised repeatedly as among the most creative in Australia. A flourishing and well-supported arts community will continue to be a great asset as we work to diversify our economy and improve the beauty and liveliness of our city.

In its second term, the government will continue its strong financial support for the festival and arts grants programs. We will double the amount of funding provided to the poetry award and we will provide $5.9 million to develop the powerhouse glass centre at Kingston as Australia’s pre-eminent centre for glass art.

One of the biggest projects to be undertaken in our second term will be the construction of a new Belconnen arts centre on the shores of Lake Ginninderra. We will also introduce a public art scheme for major capital works projects, and we will work to better support the growth and live performance of contemporary music in Canberra.

In heritage, we will ensure that the ACT’s heritage sites, including Aboriginal sites, are maintained, protected and developed. We will promote the tourism potential of these sites, further develop a series of heritage trails, and develop the Duntroon dairy precinct as a site of major heritage significance.

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