Page 79 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 7 December 2004

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I would like to mention one that is now in full swing. This morning—indeed, over the last week—members would have noticed a huge Christmas tree in Civic Square. We held a great event on Saturday night to light it up, and there will be a whole string of events taking place at the tree in the lead-up to Christmas. Saturday’s event, which was called “Christmas in the City”, was the first in an enhanced program of community events planned by the government.

Once the Christmas festivities are over, there will be fireworks, a free concert and a dance party on New Year’s Eve, a huge two-day program of events for Australia Day, and bigger and better celebrations are planned for Canberra Day. We will continue to support the other significant events taking place throughout the year, such as the National Multicultural Festival and Floriade.

This program of events recognises the importance of celebrating together as a community—that celebrating our city, people and culture is an important part of building a stronger community. Those who claim that Canberra is bland clearly need a reality check, because in reality my government is delivering a great program of community events.

The strength of our community has never been more obvious than in the days, weeks and months that followed 18 January last year. Next year, on the second anniversary of the fires, my government will launch the successful design for a memorial to be located in Stromlo Forest Park, and by the third anniversary in 2006 the memorial will be in place. It will be the kind of memorial the community has asked for—a place for reflection to commemorate those who lost their lives and a lasting testimony to the kindness and generosity of others in our time of need. We all know what a great tragedy the bushfires were. But out of that tragedy came opportunity—opportunity not just to restore what was lost but also to improve on what we had.

A major competition is already under way to find the best design for an international arboretum and gardens to be established at the western end of Lake Burley Griffin. It will be a major tourist attraction of international standing and a venue for a wide range of recreational activities—a place of outstanding beauty. The arboretum will be a showcase, a living example of what can be achieved while respecting the natural environment, and the gardens will be world class. The same will apply to the renewed Stromlo Forest Park, Cotter and Tidbinbilla.

We are close to getting final approval from the National Capital Authority for our plans for a sustainable village of 100 homes at Uriarra. This is great news for the territory and the residents of Uriarra who were forced out by the bushfires. We are working hard to come to an agreement with the NCA on the other rural villages at Stromlo and Pierces Creek.

Our approach in restoring the bushfire damaged areas of the ACT and the rural villages has at all times been guided by the principles of sustainability. These are principles that the government takes very seriously. From the outset, we have taken the lead in our move towards sustainability. We have not shirked our responsibilities or shied away from the task. In its second term, the government will build on that leadership.

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