Page 275 - Week 01 - Thursday, 9 December 2004

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high schools, enabling students to access vocational experience at an appropriate time in their lives and to consider all educational options for later life. This will complement our already existing student pathways program and training pathway guarantee.

The innovation will continue as we meet the challenges of a growing and dynamic territory. The ACT government will continue to manage school resources as part of its commitment to a fair community, which benefits all Canberrans. We are preparing to meet the changing needs of the community as a part of this commitment.

We will see continued demand for schools in new urban areas, such as Gungahlin. The new Amaroo school is now a recognised leader in design and environmental standards, complementing its excellent educational resources. These new state-of-the-art schools are much needed and also provide valuable facilities to the local community. The government will continue to investigate innovative arrangements, such as joint campuses and strategic relationships with the community and other educational providers in our growing areas.

The government continues to improve school facilities, ensuring that a quality learning environment reinforces effective teaching and learning. We are committed to improving the physical infrastructure at Canberra’s schools, to ensure that every student is able to learn in the best environment, and we are committed to continuing improvements to essential ICT technology. The government has already invested heavily in ICT infrastructure for ACT schools. Initiatives in the last term in government, like school broadband connections, will be reinforced through the introduction of the latest technologies for all students.

Our emphasis on teacher professional development translates into better IT skills and services for the education sector and its application to the classroom. We continue to value equity in access to ICT systems, through newly developed IT standards for schools and through our support for ICT in the non-government sector.

The commencement of the Education Act 2004 on 1 January 2005 will form the basis of a modern education sector that is able to meet the needs of schools and school communities. The Education Act 2004 enshrines the right of every child to a high-quality education and emphasises the partnership of parents and government in the education of children. The Education Act recognises explicitly that the educational care of children is the responsibility of all of us.

The work through the Education Act continues to be complemented by the ongoing process of curriculum renewal. The curriculum renewal process we began in 2003 continues to be progressed with widespread consultation through which we aim to help schools build on existing good practice and to provide a quality curriculum for all students.

The curriculum review will be complemented by a review of our flagship college system. Students, parents and teachers all value the ACT college system. The ACT government intends to undertake the first modernisation of college education since it was established in the 1970s. We will do this to ensure that our colleges remain relevant and best able to meet student needs.

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