Page 106 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 7 December 2004

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Question resolved in the affirmative.

Standing orders—amendment

MR CORBELL (Molonglo—Minister for Health and Minister for Planning) (5.03): I seek leave to move a motion to amend the standing orders.

Leave granted.


That the following standing orders be amended:

(4) Standing order 34:

Omit standing order 34, substitute the following new standing order:

“Adjournment of Assembly

34. At 6.00 p.m. on each sitting Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, and at 12.30 p.m. on each sitting Friday, the Speaker shall propose the question—“That the Assembly do now adjourn”—which question shall be open to debate. No amendment may be moved to this question:

Provided that:

(a) if a vote is in progress at the time for interruption, that vote, and any vote consequent upon that vote, shall be completed and the result announced;

(b) if, on the question – That the Assembly do now adjourn-being proposed, a Minister requires the question to be put forthwith without debate, the Speaker shall forthwith put the question;

(c) a motion for the adjournment of the Assembly may be moved by a Minister at an earlier hour;

(d) any business under discussion and not disposed of at the time of the adjournment shall be set down on the Notice Paper for the next sitting; and

(e) if the question – “That the Assembly do now adjourn” – is negatived – the Assembly shall resume the proceedings at the point at which they had been interrupted;

(f) at the conclusion of the time allotted for the adjournment, the Speaker shall forthwith adjourn the Assembly until the time of its next meeting.”

(5) Standing order 27:

After the words “at 10.30 a.m.


“, and on Fridays at 9.30 a.m.”.”

MR CORBELL: I have circulated to members a proposal to amend standing orders to deal primarily with the adjournment of the Assembly. Mr Speaker, the government has

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