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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2004 Week 10 Hansard (Thursday, 26 August 2004) . . Page.. 4447 ..

Just for the record, Greg joined the Young Liberals in 1956 and so began his lifelong involvement in politics. He moved to Canberra in 1966 and has remained a resident and a citizen ever since. In 1974 he was elected as a member of Jim Leedman’s Liberal team to the newly-created ACT Assembly and was re-elected in 1979 to the renamed House of Assembly, and again in 1982 and in 1986 before the Assembly lapsed, I suspect before being abolished, and then was involved in the movement for home rule, I guess you could call it.

Greg was elected to the Assembly in 1992, 1995, 1998 and 2001. During his career, he served on a number of parliamentary committees. He was Speaker from 1995 to 2001, Deputy Speaker from 1992 to 1995, and 2001 to 2004, and is a great supporter of the Westminster tradition. He announced his retirement in January this year.

I think that the thing he will be remembered for is as the roads, rates, rubbish and graffiti man. Greg Cornwell is the epitome of what a local member should be, that is, a person who stands up for his constituents. That, I think, will be remembered as his great achievement. I thank Margaret and the family for all the support that they have given Greg. He has freely acknowledged that he could not have done what he did without them.

To Bill and Beverly, I think that the appropriate words have been said, and those on this side would offer our support.

Kerrie, those on this side of the chamber have not always agreed with you, but there is always hope and there is always time. We look forward to seeing where your career might take you. I guess you will not be disappointed if we do not wish you particularly well in the fight against a certain Senator Humphries.

Mr Speaker, on behalf of my colleagues, I would like to run through the names of some of the people that make this place work. I will do it as quickly as I can. I ask members to be a little indulgent. We thank the attendants—Reg, Rod, Peter, Peter, Richard, Wayne, Laine and the newly-arrived Lewis, and I will throw in Brian Guest as it has been a time of change for this Assembly, but we have not forgotten those that that have gone—very much for their support, particularly Rod, the keeper of the sweets.

We thank the committee staff—Jane, Linda, Kerry, Judy, Siobhan, Stephanie and Robina—and those that have moved on, Patrick, Judith and particularly Derek Abbott, who was a great source of amusement and support to all of us. I do not think that people understand how much work the committee staff actually do.

Turning to corporate services, we thank Sandra, Shirley, Lisa, Judy, Ian and Barry for keeping the wheels turning, particularly, Barry who keeps all our wheels turning. We thank Russell, Pattie, Ray Keith, Roger, David, Robert, Malcolm, Lucinda, Julia, Stephanie, Marilyn and, particularly, Valeria and Nathaniel from Hansard and communications for all the work they do to make things work.

We thank the education officers, Cassandra and, particularly, Margaret Jones. Telling people what we do here and educating people about what the Assembly can do for them is particularly important. Turning to the library staff, we thank Brenda, Joanne,

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