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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2004 Week 10 Hansard (Thursday, 26 August 2004) . . Page.. 4443 ..

is wonderful to see her here tonight. Bill and Beverly have four children and five grandchildren.

I make the point that Bill Wood has had a broad range of experiences in his life that have given him a great understanding of the everyday disasters and problems and of the happy moments and successes of his constituents. Bill Wood has been a dedicated representative of his electorates in Queensland and the ACT. In that regard, he has been, I think, one of the most effective local members, probably because of his empathy with his constituents but also for the work that he has done.

He was, under Rosemary Follett, Minister for Education and Training, Minister for the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning from 1991 to 1995. During this term, he has been Minister for the Arts and Heritage, Minister for Urban Services, Minister for Police and Emergency Services and Minister for Disability, Housing and Community Services. Over the last 10 years of his career he has served in a vast range of portfolios and has filled them with ease and flair.

Bill has carried an enormous workload, but has always been ready to help with any matter. I know that I have relied enormously on Bill’s experience and advice and I, along with all my colleagues, will miss him enormously in the next Assembly. Bill, you have a very proud record as a minister in this Assembly. I must say that I think that all of us that have had the privilege of working with you will miss you enormously after your retirement.

I would also like to take the time this evening to acknowledge what I think has been a very significant contribution to the ACT and to this Assembly by Kerrie Tucker. Kerrie, even though representing a different political party in this place, is somebody that I would always like to regard as a friend and somebody that I respect enormously. We have not always seen eye to eye. Kerrie has, from time to time, irritated me and got under my skin.

I think it is a great measure of Kerrie’s humanity and the extent to which she is perhaps the most well-adjusted person in this Assembly that she has that wonderful capacity to move on, to put issues behind her, not to project her issues onto others, to move on constantly to deal with the issues and not to descend into personality issues. It is a great strength, Kerrie. I have enjoyed particularly the seven years that I have worked in this Assembly with you. I regard you with enormous fondness, and always will, and have treasured my friendship with you. I wish you the best in your new pursuit.

I also acknowledge our other retiree, Greg Cornwell. Greg is somebody else with whom I have not always agreed or seen eye to eye, but I regard Greg also as a genuine gentleman and somebody who has made an enormous contribution to the life of the ACT over three decades. It needs to be acknowledged that Greg Cornwell, through his service in this chamber and his service in the House of Assembly from 1974 to 1986 prior to his election to the Legislative Assembly, has provided a very significant period of genuine contribution to the Canberra community, irrespective of how we regard his view of the world.

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