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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2004 Week 09 Hansard (Tuesday, 17 August 2004) . . Page.. 3807 ..


Proposed new clause 28A

Page 21, line 11—


28ADismissal of nomination

(1) The council may dismiss a nomination without further consideration if—

(a) the council is satisfied that the nomination is frivolous, vexatious, misconceived, or lacking in substance or was not made honestly; or

(b) the council has previously decided not to register the place or object nominated and is satisfied that the nomination shows no new ground for registration.

(2) If the council dismisses a nomination, it must give the nominator written notice of the dismissal, setting out its reasons for the dismissal.


Clause 29

Page 21, line 12—

omit clause 29, substitute

29Consultation with representative Aboriginal organisation about provisional registration

Before deciding whether to provisionally register an Aboriginal place or object, the council must consult, and consider the views of, each representative Aboriginal organisation about the provisional registration.


Proposed new clause 30 (1A)

Page 21, line 21—


(1A) The council also may decide to provisionally register a place or object that has not been nominated for provisional registration.


Clause 39 (2) (b)

Page 25, line 10—

omit clause 39 (2) (b), substitute

(b) any appeal has been finally decided and the registration is consistent with any decision on the appeal.


Clause 46 (2) (b)

Page 29, line 13—

omit clause 46 (2) (b), substitute

(b) any appeal has been finally decided and the cancellation is consistent with any decision on the appeal.

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