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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2004 Week 06 Hansard (Thursday, 24 June 2004) . . Page.. 2799 ..

(4) See answer to (3) above.

(Question No 1517)

Mrs Burke asked the Minister for Disability, Housing and Community Services, upon notice, on 5 May 2004:

(1) In relation to the eviction of A.C.T. Housing tenants, for the fiscal year 2002-2003, (a) how many Government or community housing tenants were evicted, (b) what were the reasons for eviction and (c) what processes were in place to deal with evicted tenants;

(2) For the current fiscal year to date (a) how many Government or community housing tenants have been evicted and (b) what were the reasons for eviction;

(3) Have there been changes in eviction policy from the previous fiscal year period to the current fiscal year reporting period;

(4) How is the current housing policy framework responsive to the needs of men in the A.C.T. community;

(5) Does the Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services have specific policies or strategies in place to adequately meet the needs of fathers with dependent children; if so, what are they; if not, why not.

Mr Wood: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) The Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services does not have data on the eviction of tenants of community housing providers. In relation to ACT Housing tenants:

(a) 89 were evicted in 2002/03.

(b) 88 were on the grounds of non-payment of rent and one tenant was evicted for neighbourhood disturbance.

(c) In each case the tenants were offered a referral to appropriate support organisations. Evicted tenants are entitled to re-apply for housing assistance.

(2) Refer to answer 1 above for tenants of Community housing providers. In the current financial year, there have been 35 evictions of Housing ACT Tenants. These were all for non-payment of rent.

(3) The policy in relation to evictions has always been to look at each case on its merits and to seek to maintain the tenancy where reasonably possible. That policy has not changed. However, the policies have been expanded to provide for increased opportunities where contact is made with the tenants to encourage them to engage with relevant support agencies and put in place mechanisms for sustaining their tenancy.

(4) Housing ACT policies do not discriminate between men and women in relation to application or allocation.

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