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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2004 Week 05 Hansard (Tuesday, 4 May 2004) . . Page.. 1747 ..

Mr Speaker, I am pleased to announce that this budget provides the single largest continuing contribution to tourism marketing and promotion since self-government.

This budget provides a total of $28.2 million over four years to support tourism marketing and promotion in the ACT. This includes $12.2 million over and above the $4 million per annum forward commitment that the government has already signalled.

The government’s investment in tourism is already delivering strong returns for the ACT economy.

The Bureau of Tourism Research’s figures for the second half of last year show that the territory has recorded a significant increase in domestic and international visitor numbers.

These impressive results are not just due to a general improvement in the tourism market. We have achieved these results through better targeting of key markets, such as the spring into Canberra campaign, a major autumn promotion in Sydney, campaigns in Adelaide and Perth and the introduction of the new see yourself in Canberra brand.

Australian Capital Tourism's focus for the next four years will be to continue the increase in visitation by extending the roll-out of the see yourself in Canberra brand into new, untapped markets, and other seasonal marketing activities.

Bushfire recovery

Mr Speaker, the task of bushfire recovery continues. The government’s investment in responding to the January 2003 bushfire has been significant. Additional funding of $37.9 million was provided during 2003-04 to implement the recommendations of the McLeod report and to further support the recovery and rebuilding efforts.

The budget provides an additional $34.2 million to bring the government’s total funding for bushfire expenses to $122.6 million over the five-year period from 2002-03 to 2006-07.

By the end of 2003-04, it is estimated that $87 million will have been spent.

Over and above the recovery and rebuilding programs, the territory will reinvest the insurance returned on the forest losses to undertake $52.5 million of works.

Capital works

Mr Speaker, this budget contains an ambitious capital works program. This is a program to be delivered over the next three years. The value of new works is $329.9 million.

This significant investment is balanced between ongoing maintenance of existing assets and the provision of new infrastructure in line with community needs.

This budget funds many exciting projects—the construction of the prison, the upgrade of the convention centre, gymnasiums for Melrose and Belconnen high schools, and a renal

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